
feedr’s config is a python file with a single dictionary called GENERATOR. (It’s a python file (rathern than JSON) to allow you to use code when generating the data or configuring the transports.)

In the configuration file, you can configure your formatters and transports.

feedr will, by default, look for a file in your current working directory unless the “-c” flag is used which will let you specify a specific path. If no config file is found, default configuration will be used.

    'formatters': {
        'MyJsonFormatter': {
            'type': 'Json',
            'data': {
                'date_time': ['15-04-2014 10:00:00'],
                'level': ['ERROR', 'DEBUG'],
                'name': ['myname', 'notmyname'],
        'MyCustomFormatter': {
            'type': 'Custom',
            'format': ['date_time', ' ', 'level', ': ', 'module', ' - ', 'free_email'],
            'data': {
                'date_time': ['15-04-2014 10:00:00'],
                'level': ['ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'CRITICAL'],
                'module': ['module1', 'module2'],
                'free_email': [''],
    'transports': {
        'MyAmqpTransport': {
            'type': 'Amqp',
            'host': 'localhost',
            'queue': 'myqueue',
            'exchange': '',
            'routing_key': 'myroutingkey',
        'MyFileTransport': {
            'type': 'File',
            'file': 'generated.log',
            'max_bytes': 100000000,
            'backup_count': 20,
        'MyUDPTransport': {
            'type': 'UDP',
            'host': 'localhost',
            'port': 999,

Advanced Config

Since the config is really just a python file, you can pretty much do anything with it. For instance, you could randomize a uuid field as shown below.

Additionaly, you can use the special $RAND string to randomize data.


The $RAND string can only be used for fields that are supported by feedr. You can run “feedr list fake” to see which fields can be randomized.


Remember that the entire data dict is kept in memory, so don’t randomize millions of data objects or they will hog your resources.

import uuid

'formatters': {
    'MyCustomFormatter': {
        'format': ['date_time', ' ', 'uuid', ' ', 'level', ': ', 'module', ' - ', 'free_email'],
        'data': {
            'date_time': '$RAND',
            'uuid': [str(uuid.uuid1()) for i in xrange(100)],
            'level': ['ERROR', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'CRITICAL'],
            'module': ['module1', 'module2'],
            'free_email': '$RAND',


to generate real unix time fields, use the current_date_time field. this can help you immitate real time event generation.


check this out for a configuration file example.